Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Master Cleanse - God Help Me!

Hello friends and family!

So my best friend Laura and I are embarking on a physical and mental challenge.  We are starting The Master Cleanse tonight!  I don't want to type here everything that it entails because it is lengthy. Visit the website for more information.


Basically it is a 10 day detox and cleanse.  I am only doing it for 7 days because my schedule does not allow for 10 days (as sad as that is).  You start the night before the first day by drinking an 8 oz. cup of Senna Tea (which we are drinking right now together sitting on my couch!).  Then days 1 to 10 (or 7 in my case) you drink a concoction (about 8 to 10, 8 oz. glasses a day) of Grade B Organic Maple Syrup, pure cayenne pepper, freshly squeezed lemon juice and purified water.  It also includes a daily "salt water flush."

The premise behind this cleanse is to rid your body off all toxins and refresh your body completely.

Why am I doing this you ask?  Well, I am always looking for a challenge.  I am scared sh**less let me just tell you.  I honestly don't know if I can do this, but with the support of my friend and my husband, I am hoping I can complete 7 days.  I am also looking to get my body back to "normal."  I have been trying to eat clean for the last 15 months and I feel great.  I have been consistently doing the "HIIT" workouts and hot yoga, but I still can't seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds I have hanging on me from having two amazing daughters in less than 20 months!

I digress - wish us luck!  I am certainly going to need it.  I will be journaling my progress on here. 

Viewer discretion is advised!


1 comment:

  1. How was day 1? You're gonna rock it, Libs!! Good luck over the next 6 days!!
